World’s Largest Cinema
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Worlds largest movie screen, entertainment venue and drive in.
Walker cinema architects while providing cinema designs to various Middle east operators was commissioned to design the worlds largest screen for Saudi Arabia, it had to be the largest and ideally remain the largest for the next decade. Considerable research was required both technical limitations of projection, and what is the largest current movie screen and what is being planned around the world to enable us to confidently achieve this world record.
Our drive in facility could hold over 650 park cars and still have 1100 seat for non car users with optimum viewing. For major events without vehicles tens of thousands of people can easily view screen. This screen is a whopping 180m wide and 66.6m high, a massive bank of multiple Christie projectors based in an underground hub with viewing slot projecting at times over 100m.
In car food and drink services were provided, roller bladed to car and also by remote drone delivery, 4880m2 of concessions food outlets provided with near 4000m2 of corporate entertaining lounges, in short a mini entertainment city with a variety of products and great flexibility. The schemes flexibility meant it could operate as a single movie event, as a multiplex, product launches, public gatherings, e games tournaments, etc.
The project had unforeseen advantages for movie goers in drive in mode during the Covid 19 outbreak, altho the next stages of our documentation has been delayed.
Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia